TxDOT Traffic Safety Grants (Texas)

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    Funder Type

    State Government

    IT Classification

    B - Readily funds technology as part of an award


    Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT)


    TxDOT funding supports the targets and strategies of traffic safety programs to reduce the number of motor vehicle related crashes, injuries, and fatalities in Texas. These targets and strategies form the basis for the Federal Fiscal Year 2023 Texas Highway Safety Plan (HSP), which is submitted to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) for approval and funding. Each year, TxDOT's Behavioral Traffic Safety Section (TRF-BTS) requests proposals for Texas HSP projects.

    In FY 2025, TxDOT will focus on fourteen General Traffic Safety Program Areas for potential consideration for funding:

    1. Planning and Administration - To provide effective and efficient management of the Texas Traffic Safety Program.
    2. Alcohol and other Drug Countermeasures - To reduce the number of alcohol impaired and driving under the influence of alcohol and other drug-related crashes, fatalities, and serious injuries.
    3. Emergency Medical Services - To improve EMS care and support provided to motor vehicle trauma victims in rural and frontier areas of Texas.
    4. Motorcycle Safety - To reduce the number of motorcyclist fatalities.
    5. Occupant Protection
      1. To increase occupant restraint use, including child safety seats, in all passenger vehicles and trucks. 
      2. To increase occupant restraint use, including child safety seats, in all passenger vehicles and trucks. 
    6. Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety -To reduce the number of motor vehicle-related pedestrian and bicyclist fatalities and serious injuries.
    7. Police Traffic Services -
      1. To increase effective enforcement and adjudication of traffic safety-related laws to reduce crashes, fatalities, and serious injuries.
      2. To reduce large truck (Semi- Trailer” or TruckTractor”) crashes, fatalities, and serious injuries. 
    8. School Bus - To reduce School bus-related crashes, fatalities, and serious injuries. 
    9. Speed Control - To reduce the number of speed-related fatal and serious injuries.
    10. Traffic Records - To improve the timeliness, accuracy, completeness, uniformity, integration, and/or accessibility of traffic records in Texas. 
    11. Driver Education and Behavior -
      1. To increase public knowledge, perception and understanding of driver education and traffic safety for all road users.
      2. To reduce the number of crashes and serious injuries related to distracted driving. 
    12. Railroad / Highway Crossing - To reduce fatal and serious injury crashes at railroad/highway crossings. 
    13. Roadway Safety -
      1. To reduce the number of traffic crashes, fatalities, and serious injuries in work zones.
      2. To reduce large truck (Semi- Trailer” or TruckTractor”) crashes, fatalities, and serious injuries.
      3. To increase knowledge of roadway safety and current technologies among people involved in engineering, construction, and maintenance areas at both the state and local level.
    14. Safe Communities - To establish integrated community traffic safety programs to prevent traffic-related fatalities and serious injuries. 

    Selective Traffic Enforcement Program (STEP) Traffic Safety Grants are used to develop strategic partnerships with law enforcement to reduce crashes by creating safer driving environments on Texas roadways through high-visibility engagement (HVE).


    History of Funding

    None is available.

    Additional Information

    Unallowable costs include, but are not limited to: 

    • Advertising
    • Supplanting
    • Program Income
    • Office Furnishings
    • Out-of-State Trave
    • Contractual Services
    • Gratuities
    • Promotional items
    • Equipment over $5,000


    Larry Kantz

    Larry Kantz


    eGrants HelpDesk

    eGrants HelpDesk
    P.O. Box 12428
    Austin, TX 78711-1248
    (512) 463-1919

  • Eligibility Details

    Eligible applicants are Texas State and local governments, educational institutions, and non-profit organizations.

    Deadline Details

    Applications were to be submitted by 5 p.m. CST, January 4, 2024. A similar deadline is anticipated annually. 

    Award Details

    Up to $35,000,000 is available in total funding. Individual award amounts vary. Cost sharing/matching of 20% is required. The FY 2025 project period is October 1, 2024 through September 30, 2025.

    Related Webcasts Use the links below to view the recorded playback of these webcasts

    • New Funding Opportunities for K-12 School Safety - Sponsored by NetApp - Playback Available
    • Funding to Address High Crime Areas within Your Community - Sponsored by NetApp - Playback Available
    • Funding to Enhance Response, Investigation, and Prosecution of Domestic Violence - Sponsored by Panasonic - Playback Available


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